Frequently Asked Vehicle Abatement Questions


Who is Fire Prevention Services, Inc.?
We are a contracted agent of your local fire agency/city.

What gives you the authority to send me this notice?
Your local representatives have contracted with Fire Prevention Services, Inc., to enforce the local ordinance.

What will happen if I choose not to remove the vehicle from my property?
Your property will be subject to abatement in accordance with local ordinances and if abated you will receive a bill.

What do I do if I have started to clear my parcel but the vehicle removal will not be completed by the deadline?
Your property may be subject to abatement, please contact your designated inspector immediately.

What if my parcel is in escrow?
You are still legally responsible to comply with all local ordinances.

Someone else illegally dumped the vehicle on my property, why am I being required to remove it?
You are ultimately responsible for continued compliance with local ordinances for your parcel.

The vehicle is of historic value and I am restoring it, can I keep the vehicle and continue restoration?
If the vehicle is of historic value please contact the inspector, you may keep the vehicle but must comply with the local ordinance.

I plan on fixing the vehicle, I do not want to have it removed, what can I do?
The vehicle must be stored in accordance with the local ordinance.

Why didn’t an inspector just knock on my door and speak to me directly?
You were notified under the provisions of our service contract.

What determines a vehicle violation/public nuisance?
Please refer to the local ordinance for your area.

Did someone complain about my property?
Although we do receive some complaints, most inspections are done periodically.

How can I report a vehicle?
You can fill out a vehicle contact form below and hitting the submit button or contact the inspector by phone.

Vehicle Contact Form